
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Tane Mahuta.

Today for our CIP (community impact project.) The tane mahuta team picked up rubbish around the school and community.We got split into groups in my group i had Lucy,Liyah,Me,Makenzie. We pick up tons of rubbish.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Tane Mahuta.

I am part of the Tane Mahuta group. Our job is to help the emvirment by planting more trees and flowres. We'er not just doing this to make the school more preitty. We are trying to help the emvierment. And to make the our school a better place. Today we walked around  the school to see what parts of school needed more trees. There where alot of places that needed trees. My favourite area at school is the plam tree. My best idea to improve our school is to plant more trees and to help mother natuer be better agian. 

Monday, February 18, 2019

Continuous Cricket

Continuous Cricket.
Written by: sapphire.

To score more runs then the other team.

Divide the class into two even teams.

A bat. 
A ball.
1 or 2 wickets.
2 side poles.
Bowler Bare.

To get the most amount of wins then the other team.

The team with the most runs/points.

  • The fielders have to take turns being the bowler.
  • You can get out by either the fielders catch the ball on the full or with one hand When you hit the ball, you have to run to the right then the left.
  • Bowler has to throw the ball under arm.
  • Once all of the batters have batted, the teams switch.
  • The bowler dose not have to wait for the batter to get back.
  • The bowler must bounce the ball when they bowl it.